The holders of the awards for staff members are known 04 máj 2022Sapientia U23, #COLLEGEHOCKEY #EUHL #SHL #ACHA #HOKEJ #UNIVERSITYHOCKEY #HOCKEY #ACUH #SUHA, UHT Sabers Oswiecim, Gladiators Trenčín, awardsTomas Polansky The All-Star team of the EUHL and the holders of the individual awards were released last week. Staff members of the university... Read More0
Fights for the Sekeras trophy started 31 mar 2022UMB hockey team Banská Bystrica, Sapientia U23, #EUHA #EUHL #ACUH #SUHA #HOCKEY #HOKEJ #UNIVERSITYHOCKEY, Philosophers Nitra, UHT Sabers Oswiecim, sekeras trophy, playoffTomas Polansky Playoffs of the EUHL started only four days after the end of the regular season. Four teams play in the quarterfinals while... Read More0
We are introducing: Sapientia U23 28 okt 2021Sapientia U23, #sapientia, #sapientiau23 #EUHA #EUHL #ACUH #SUHA #HOCKEY #HOKEJ #UNIVERSITYHOCKEYTomas Polansky The second team we are introducing is Sapientia U23. It is the only representative from Romania in the current season. This club... Read More0
Sapientia U23 23 sep 2019SUHA, Sapientia U23, universitnihokej, EUHL, euha, University Hockey, ACUHEUHA EUHA Fennállásának második szezonját kezdi meg a Székelyföldi Jégkorong Akadémia legidősebb csapata, a Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetemmel együttműködésben alapított Sapientia U23. A 2019-2020-as... Read More0