We still didn’t show everything we are capable of 09 jan 2022#EUHA #EUHL #ACUH #SUHA #HOCKEY #HOKEJ #UNIVERSITYHOCKEY, hcuniza, hcunizazilina, zilinaTomas Polansky HC UNIZA with two other teams joined the EUHL before this season. This team has played five matches so far. We were... Read More0
We are introducing: HC UNIZA Zilina 05 nov 2021hcunizazilina, zilina, #EUHA #EUHL #ACUH #SUHA #HOCKEY #HOKEJ #UNIVERSITYHOCKEY, hcunizaTomas Polansky The fourth team from Slovakia we are introducing is HC UNIZA Zilina. This club has been a member of the EUHL since... Read More0