Vyprodaný stadion a vypjaté utkání. Bitvu o Prahu vyhrála Karlovka 21 feb 2019UK Praha, University Hockey, icehockey, Engineers Prague, EUHLEUHA EUHA Engineers Prague – UK Praha 2:3sn (1:0, 1:1, 0:1) Góly a asistence: 6. Suda (Outrata, Janata), 20. Ujfaluši (Sem), 28. Hyršl (Svoboda), 44. Bečka... Read More0
Valentine’s week full of shattering duels 21 feb 2019Frantisek Sadecky Filip Sabo HC Masaryk University is at the front of the table despite a tight loss with the UMB Hockey Team. The... Read More0